Irwan Rompas ( Mobile-Phone: 0889 7000 3609 )

Jalan: Eceng No.45 Bandung 40263 West-Java, Indonesia

Thursday, February 28, 2013


"Rosa Parks’s singular act of disobedience launched a movement. The tired feet of those who walked the dusty roads of Montgomery helped a nation see that to which it had once been blind. It is because of these men and women that I stand here today. It is because of them that our children grow up in a land more free and more fair; a land truer to its founding creed." —President Obama at the unveiling of the Rosa Parks statue:


Share this if you agree with Sean—then add your name to support President Obama's plan to reduce gun violence and protect our kids:http://OFA.BO/BWoRz8


Republicans in Congress are choosing to cut jobs for thousands of teachers instead of closing tax loopholes for jet owners:


‎"We can’t just cut our way to prosperity. We can't ask seniors and working families like yours to shoulder the entire burden of deficit reduction while asking nothing more from the wealthiest and the most powerful. We're not going to grow the middle class just by shifting the cost of health care or college onto families that are already struggling, or forcing communities to lay off more teachers or cops or firefighters or shipbuilders, and then folks who are doing really well don’t have to do anything more. That’s not fair, and it's not good for the economy. " —President Obama at Newport News Shipbuilding in Virginia:


Photo of the Day: President Obama arrives on Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, following a trip to Newport News, Virginia, Feb. 26, 2013:


Like and share this if you agree: We can't afford to cut vital services that middle-class families depend on. It's time for Congress to stop these severe budget cuts and focus on creating jobs: http://OFA.BO/cVUzQH


Why do you think it's important for young people to learn coding? Share and comment, then hear what President Obama had to say on the issue:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


If Congress doesn't act by Friday, severe spending cuts would slash vital services for children, seniors, the mentally ill, and our men and women in uniform.

Share how these cuts could affect your family—and why Congressional Republicans should protect middle-class families over tax loopholes for millionaires: http://OFA.BO/utoPad


Share this if you agree: Our troops shouldn't have to bear the burden of deficit reduction:


Share this if you agree: Our service members and veterans shouldn't have to bear the burden of deficit reduction:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Photo of the Day: President Obama takes questions during a meeting with the National Governors Association in the State Dining Room, Feb. 25, 2013:


Share this if you agree: Congress should focus on creating jobs, not cutting vital services for middle-class families.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Tonight, First Lady Michelle Obama announced the Oscar for Best Picture live from the White House.


Automatic spending cuts - know as the sequester - would leave 370,000 mentally ill children & adults without treatment:


President Obama has a plan to avoid harmful budget cuts and reduce the deficit in a way that helps grow the economy and strengthen the middle class:


What you need to know about the sequester: This is about our seniors:


‎"I believe we should work together to build on the more than $2.5 trillion of deficit reduction we’ve already achieved. But I believe we should do it in a balanced way – with smart spending cuts, entitlement reform, and tax reform. That’s my plan. It's got tough cuts, tough reforms, and asks more of the wealthiest Americans. It's on the White House website for everyone to see." —President Obama in his Weekly Address:


Happy Oscars night.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Rhode Islanders for reducing gun violence.


Automatic spending cuts - know as the sequester - would reduce lending to small businesses by $540 million:


Photo of the Day: President Obama talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in the West Wing Lobby of the White House, Feb. 22, 2013:


"That’s what this choice means. Are Republicans in Congress really willing to let these cuts fall on our kids’ schools and mental health care just to protect tax loopholes for corporate jet owners? Are they really willing to slash military health care and the border patrol just because they refuse to eliminate tax breaks for big oil companies? Are they seriously prepared to inflict more pain on the middle class because they refuse to ask anything more of those at the very top?" —President Obama in his Weekly Address:

Saturday, February 23, 2013


If we can save even one life by reducing gun violence, then we have an obligation to try. It's time for Congress to act.


A behind-the-scenes peek at this week at the White House:

Friday, February 22, 2013


Photo of the Day: President Obama meets with senior advisors in the Oval Office, Feb 21, 2013:


If Congress doesn't act by March 1, automatic and arbitrary spending cuts — know as the sequester — will affect millions of Americans:


Kids dancing, eggs rolling. Kid President and President Obama announce the 2013 White House Easter Egg Roll:

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Behind-the-Scenes Photo: President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama ride in the inaugural parade in Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2013:


Photo of the Day: Vice President Biden receives a bracelet from Paige Baitinger, wife of fallen St. Petersburg, Fla., police Sgt. Thomas Baitinger, following a Medal of Valor ceremony in at the White House, Feb. 20, 2013:


A new term, a new official portrait of the First Lady.


Photo of the Day: President Obama listens during a B.A.M. ("Becoming a Man") roundtable at Hyde Park Career Academy in Chicago, Ill., Feb. 15, 2013:


‎"Republicans in Congress face a simple choice: Are they willing to compromise to protect vital investments in education and health care and national security and all the jobs that depend on them? Or would they rather put hundreds of thousands of jobs and our entire economy at risk just to protect a few special interest tax loopholes that benefit only the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations? That's the choice." —President Obama:


"Now, if Congress allows this meat-cleaver approach to take place, it will jeopardize our military readiness; it will eviscerate job-creating investments in education and energy and medical research." —President Obama on automatic budget cuts scheduled to hit next Friday if Congress doesn't act:


Photo of the Day: President Obama studies a coin presented to him by an emergency responder before remarks urging action to avoid the automatic budget cuts scheduled if Congress fails to act, Feb. 19, 2013:


May I have this dance?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


"My family deserves a vote. We all deserve a vote." —Sami on losing his father to gun violence. Watch his story—then share why you think it's time for Congress to reduce gun violence and protect our kids:http://OFA.BO/Bx9ukX

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


‎"America only moves forward when we do so together — when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations. That’s the American story. And that is how we will write the next great chapter — together." —President Obama:


Happy Presidents’ Day! Check out a photo gallery from the archives that includes the pages from George Washington's first Inaugural Address and other Inaugural moments:


Happy Presidents' Day!


‎"Last year, there were 443 murders with a firearm on the streets of [Chicago], and 65 of those victims were 18 and under. So that’s the equivalent of a Newtown every four months." —President Obama

Find out how you can help reduce gun violence and protect our kids—then share this so your friends can, too: http://OFA.BO/7TmuJ4

Monday, February 18, 2013

20130218-001 Public-Figure

Public Figure - Politics - Public Figure
Politics - Public Figure - Politics

Who Governs Politics ???

Economy - Politics - Economy
Politics - Economy - Politics

Politics Destroyed=the Economy was Destroyed

the Economy was Destroyed
Politics ???
Economy ???

How about Loss-Jobs ???
Closely related to Political Economy.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


"This week, I’ve been traveling across the country — from North Carolina to Georgia to here at Hyde Park Academy in my hometown of Chicago — talking with folks about the important task I laid out in my State of the Union Address: reigniting the true engine of America’s economic growth — a rising, thriving middle class." —President Obama in his Weekly Address. Watch:


"America only moves forward when we do so together—when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations. That’s the American story. And that is how we will write the next great chapter—together." http://OFA.BO/PCPbpo

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Our engine of economic growth: Strengthening the middle class. Like and share this if you support President Obama's plan to keep us moving forward: http://OFA.BO/LdPFZi

20130216-001 USA Green Card Lottery for PAYMENT

Friday, February 15, 2013

20130215-011 Letter from Michelle Obama

20130215-010 Letter from Julianna Smoot


Tell your member of Congress: Now is the time to close background check loopholes for gun sales. http://OFA.BO/hpzU2S


‎"My administration will release a new 'College Scorecard' that parents and students can use to compare schools based on a simple criteria — where you can get the most bang for your educational buck.” —President Obama in his State of the Union Address:


‎"Michelle and I remember how tough it can be to find good childcare. I remember how expensive it can be, too. The size of your paycheck, though, shouldn’t determine your child’s future. So let’s fix this. Let’s make sure none of our kids start out the race of life already a step behind. Let’s make it a national priority to give every child access to a high-quality early education." —President Obama:


Hey, Michelle Obama: Happy Valentine's Day.


Don't miss President Obama's Fireside Hangout live from the White House. Happening now at:


Today at 4:50 p.m. ET, President Obama joins Americans from across the country for a Fireside Hangout live from the White House. Watch it live:


Tonight, President Obama sat down with Americans from across the country to discuss his State of the Union address in a Google+ Hangout. Watch it here:


Starting now: President Obama discusses the State of the Union in a Fireside Hangout live from the White House. Watch it live:


Photo of the Day: President Obama listens to Jeffrey Brower and Dwayne Moore during a tour of the Linamar Corporation auto-parts plant in Arden, North Carolina, Feb. 13, 2013: