Irwan Rompas ( Mobile-Phone: 0889 7000 3609 )

Jalan: Eceng No.45 Bandung 40263 West-Java, Indonesia

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Reduce Violence Gun

Cyber Crime

Know me, Know my-LORD
Kenal diri-ku, kenal Tuhan-ku

Know yourself, Know your-GOD
Kenal diri-mu, kenal Tuhan-mu


Know your-GOD.
my-LORD ???

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Today, President Obama and Vice President Biden administered the oath of office to new Secret Service Director Julia Pierson in the Oval Office:


Photo of the Day: President Obama greets Council of Economic Advisers staff in the Rose Garden of the White House, March 27, 2013:



Photo of the Day: President Obama signs memorabilia for 8-year-old Nina Centofanti, the March of Dimes 2013 National Ambassador, at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, March 26, 2013:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"Unless you are one of the first Americans, unless you are a Native American, you came from someplace else. That’s why we’ve always defined ourselves as a nation of immigrants. And we’ve always been better off for it." —President Obama at a naturalization ceremony for active duty service members and civilians:


President Obama tosses a soccer ball after welcoming the NHL Stanley Cup champion LA Kings and MLS champion LA Galaxy to the White House to honor their 2012 championship seasons:



Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Photo: Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument in Maryland, one of five new national monuments established today by President Obama.

Check out photos of each of the new monuments and learn more:


Behind-the-scenes photo: President Obama tours the ancient city of Petra in Jordan.

Check out the full gallery from the President's trip to the Middle East:


"Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Passover here in America, in the State of Israel, and around the world....Chag sameach."—President Obama:

Photo: The First Family hosts a Passover Seder Dinner at the White House, April 6, 2012


Share your family's immigration story and say why we need to reform our broken immigration system—then pass this on so your friends and family can, too: http://OFA.BO/NvNkjC


Our immigration system has been broken for too long—and it's time for Congress to fix it. http://OFA.BO/kVcMav

Monday, March 25, 2013


"Today there is still genuine disagreement among well-meaning people about what steps we should take to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in this country. But you – the American people – have spoken. You’ve made it clear that it’s time to do something." —President Obama in his Weekly Address. Watch:

Sunday, March 24, 2013


"Here, alongside man’s capacity for evil, we also are reminded of man’s capacity for good — the rescuers, the Righteous Among the Nations who refused to be bystanders. And in their noble acts of courage, we see how this place, this accounting of horror, is, in the end, a source of hope.” —President Obama at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem:


"As a nation, the last three months have changed us. They’ve forced us to answer some difficult questions about what we can do – what we must do – to prevent the kinds of massacres we’ve seen in Newtown and Aurora and Oak Creek, as well as the everyday tragedies that happen far too often in big cities and small towns all across America." —President Obama in his Weekly Address. Watch:


Three years later, Obamacare is still a BFD.

Share this link so your friends know how it's saving lives and helping millions of Americans afford quality health insurance: http://OFA.BO/7xRwMY

Saturday, March 23, 2013


President Obama needs our help to get Congress to act.

Add your name to tell them it's time to reduce gun violence and save lives by passing universal background checks: http://OFA.BO/qoKKns


Like this if you agree that no American who works full time should have to live in poverty—then share President Obama's plan to raise the minimum wage: http://OFA.BO/VaSpqD


Photo of the Day: President Obama tours the crypt containing the birthplace of Jesus during his visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, March 22, 2013:

Friday, March 22, 2013


"Today, as we face the twilight of Israel’s founding generation, you — the young people of Israel — must now claim its future. It falls to you to write the next chapter in the great story of this great nation." —President Obama in Israel:



Share this and add your name to tell Republicans in Congress to invest in clean energy and help combat climate change—not gut the progress we've made to protect the environment: http://OFA.BO/HjTkTg

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Passing background checks for all gun sales will save lives and make us safer—and it's time for Congress to act.



"Why does the United States stand so strongly, so firmly with the State of Israel? And the answer is simple. We stand together because we share a common story — patriots determined 'to be a free people in our land,' pioneers who forged a nation, heroes who sacrificed to preserve our freedom, and immigrants from every corner of the world who renew constantly our diverse societies." —President Obama at the official arrival ceremony in Tel Aviv, Israel:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Like and share this if you agree: We can't afford severe cuts to education—and it's time for Republicans in Congress to stop them.


Who is your hero? Help us recognize the exemplary citizen in your community by nominating them for the 2013 Presidential Citizens Medal:


Add your name to help President Obama deliver on the agenda Americans voted for last fall: http://OFA.BO/ASiPm2

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013


"Let’s keep moving forward on an all-of-the-above energy strategy. A strategy where we produce more oil and gas here at home, but also more biofuels and fuel-efficient vehicles; more solar power and wind power. A strategy where we put more people to work building cars, homes and businesses that waste less energy. We can do this. We’re Americans. When we commit ourselves to something, there’s no telling how far we’ll go." —President Obama in his Weekly Address. Watch:


"We’ve put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in our history so that by the middle of the next decade, our cars will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. Over the life of a new car, the average family will save more than $8,000 at the pump. But the only way we’re going to break this cycle of spiking gas prices for good is to shift our cars and trucks off of oil for good." —President Obama in his Weekly Address:

Saturday, March 16, 2013


"Over the past four years, we haven’t just talked about it. We’ve actually started doing something about it. We worked with auto companies to put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in our history. What that means is, by the middle of the next decade, our cars will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. So you’ll fill up half as often – and spend half as much." —President Obama:


Behind the scenes: President Obama hugs students during a visit to a pre-kindergarten classroom at the College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center in Decatur, GA. Check out the full gallery:


A reminder to severe conservatives still trying to roll back progress...

Obamacare is approved AND upheld—and it's helping millions of Americans afford quality health insurance.

Friday, March 15, 2013


"Think outside the box. Take real risks. And work together to make big, bold commitments to hire our veterans and military spouses and help them reach their full potential within your companies. Show them that your business is there for them for the long haul." —First Lady Michelle Obama to business leaders. Watch:



When all our voices are heard, that's when change happens. Join Organizing for Action to help pass President Obama's agenda: http://OFA.BO/PdjKG7


Thursday, March 14, 2013


Photo of the Day: President Obama talks with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on the Colonnade of the White House, March 13, 2013:


We can only pass the agenda Americans voted for last fall if we all help President Obama convince Congress to act.

Like this & add your name if you're ready to help get the job done: http://OFA.BO/XcioJo


Starting at 2:00 p.m. EDT: Gene Sperling, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, answers questions about President Obama's plan to reduce the deficit and grow the economy during an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit. Check it out:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Photo of the Day: Bo, the Obama family dog, follows First Lady Michelle Obama as she walks across the South Lawn of the White House, March 11, 2013:


FACT: Under President Obama, the deficit is coming down faster than at any time since WWII:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Add your name if you agree we should close tax loopholes for millionaires before cutting vital services that communities around the country count on: http://OFA.BO/4tJPCp


Like this if you agree: It's time for Congress to close background check loopholes to help keep guns out of dangerous hands. http://OFA.BO/WQ1pZz


President Obama has a plan that would end the sequester's harmful budget cuts. Get the facts:

Monday, March 11, 2013



‎"My top priority as President is making sure we do everything we can to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth – a rising, thriving middle class. Yesterday, we received some welcome news on that front. We learned that our businesses added nearly 250,000 new jobs last month. The unemployment rate fell to 7.7% – still too high, but now lower than it was when I took office. " —President Obama:

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Happy International Women's Day.

"Empowering women isn't just the right thing to do—it’s the smart thing to do." —President Obama: http://OFA.BO/v6JH7Y